Monday, January 26, 2009

Pink Poodle Party: Part Two

It came and went. My daughters first slumber party. I would like to tell you some funny, interesting stories but something weird happened. There are no stories. No crying, no whining, no mommy and daddy shouting in the middle of the night- nothing.

We had a lot of fun. We played games, ate cake and watched movies but that was about it. I told Andy this has got to be the easiest slumber party is history.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pink Poodle Party

Pray hard for me this week, I am having 10, yes 10 girls who are 5& 6 yrs old over for a Pink Poodle Slumber Party! I am very excited about the party! I will post on Saturday and let you know what happens. I am sure there will be a few good stories!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gymnastics Nana

I really don't know what it is about me that brings out the crazy in every one I meet, but I do. Take this week, I am at Pumpkin's gymnastics practice, now I spend a lot of time there. Pumpkin has multiple practices a week, and I have thought about moving in there. Fortunately I have made friends with another mom, which helps pass the time. However she was sick this week and that left me solo. I am up in the balcony minding my own business when this older lady sits next to me. Now you have to understand, we are talking about a small viewing area with about 20 seats pushed right next to each other. There is no where to go. Nana(as she called herself) starts talking to me and telling me she is there to watch her grandson. I ask a couple of polite questions about her grandson and go back to watching Pumpkin. Bam, it happens before I even know what has hit me. Nana says, my daughter wants her husband to get a vasectomy but he refuses. I am not sure what to say, but don't worry Nana continues. I really did not set a good example, she has never had a father figure because I just went from man to man. Nana is telling me all this. I look around to see if I am on Candid Camera (although I know I'm not because this is my life) and no its just me and Nana. Nana then goes on for the next hour, yes hour, telling me her opinion on home schooling, gymnastics not being safe, and asking me how many country stars I have met in the grocery store. As we are leaving, I say to Nana tell your daughter good luck on that vasectomy thing. I can't wait for gymnastics next week to see who the mom is, I practically know every thing about her life! I will let you know if I meet her!

Blonde Bobby Pins

My daughter is a competitive gymnast, she competes once a month. She has long hair and wears it in two buns at the meets. Last weekend we had a meet, so off to Wal-Mart we go to buy some new bobby pins. Pumpkins hair is blonde, so I buy blonde bobby pins. Regular bobby pins are .92 cents, blonde bobby pins are $2.98. We go to the cashier and she rings in the pins and puts them in the bag. She pulls them back out and says whats so special about these pins, why are you buying these expensive pins? I tell her my daughter has blonde hair. Cashier says that is stupid. Cashier says I would never pay 2 dollars more for bobby pins, thats just stupid. I turned to my mom and I say is she calling me stupid? The guy behind us is laughing his head off. Cashier then puts them back in the bag. She then rings up two more items before she says I have to see those pins again. Cashier gets the pins back out and once again says that is stupid who would pay that much for those pins? Uh, hello. I think she meant it was stupid to charge more for the other color but I'm not sure. We all just walked out laughing no reason to be offended by .92 cent pin lady.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Why Don't You Have a Job

My daughter and I were driving home from school today and she says why don't you work. What is she kidding? I say to her honey I do work I take you to school, gymnastics, play dates, come to parties at school and I volunteer at school in your Art class and lunch room. She says yeah, yeah I know that but why don't you have a job. I finally say this is my job I am a stay at home mom. She then says well since your never going to work when I have my 5 (yes 5) children I am going to let you watch them. A big thank you to her!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Three French Men

I am in my Sunday School class this morning (Andy and I teach the college and career class) when in comes my daughters teacher and Pumpkin is crying with an earache! So she sits on my lap and I teach. Well her doctor's office is open till 1:00 on Sunday so I find a teacher for my Wee Worship class and off to the doctor we go. Well needless to say she has her 900th ear infection, so we start home. Pumpkin is sitting in the back singing The Twelve Days of Christmas. I am kind of listening and thinking at the same time. Well she gets to day five and I am impressed that she knows that many days so I really start listening. Pumpkin is really rocking it out and she gets to day three and she sings three French men! I about crash I am laughing so hard, she sings all 12 days and every time she says three French men. She gets them all right but that one! Leave it to her to crack me up even when she is sick.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I Have Done It

Well I have finally done it! For a long time everyone has said you have to do a blog no one will believe the stuff that happens to you! So I am doing this for two reasons 1- my family,I stink at sending out cards or letters or pictures to my family(all sides) so I will post pictures of us on here and everyone can see and no one can complain anymore:) 2- the craziest stuff happens to me and I think its pretty funny. I told a story this weekend to my sister-in-law (my mom and I involved in a shootout at Kroger's like 11 years ago) and she had never heard it before and I realize so much crazy happens I can't keep up with it so if I blog about it then everyone can read it! Also I am just going to keep a running schedule of my life! Its crazy! So for people out there who do not know me or do not see or talk to me very often I am going to give you some background info.

I am a 35 year old woman. I have been happily married for 11 years to a wonderful and patient man named Andy(he gets dragged into a lot of my adventures). I have an amazing 6 year old daughter I will call her Pumpkin (my nickname for her) she is always with me so she gets into a lot of interesting situations. I have two brothers, two sister-in-laws a 2 month old niece and a not born yet nephew. I also have a wonderful mother who is very supportive of all of us. I have 2 sets of in-laws all of us get along, surprising huh! I am a stay at home mom (who is never home) and very involved in a lot of activities. I am a Christian who is very involved in my church, I am an active PTO member at my daughters school, and a gymnastics mom. Whew I am tired just thinking about it! So why have I decided to start this blog- well I have always thought I lived life to the fullest- but I had a wake up call two years ago. I have been sick since my daughter was born the doctors had a hard time figuring out what was wrong, at one point they told me they thought I might have this rare cancer and if I did I would not last a year (my daughter was barely one when they told me this) thankfully we were blessed and I did not have that! They did finally find what was wrong and I have an autoimmune disease. We had a party! It is not good but it does not have a year sentence! I am tired a lot and do not feel good most days but I have learned a few important lessons about life I hope to share with you all in my daily life. I will tell you I do treat everyday as it could be my last day because it could be any of our last day! Life is to important to worry about small things, yes I know everyone thinks that but I challenge you to lead your life that way. I learned aolt during the week I was waiting on the test results whats important in life and whats not. I continue to live like that every day God gives me with my family. I hope you can enjoy my frenzy life with me!