Wednesday, June 24, 2009


It is VBS week here and it is crazy busy. I am the director and Andy is the worship leader. So we have been going crazy for two weeks. One week getting ready and now actually VBS. I will post this weekend with pictures of our church it looks amazing!

Friday, June 19, 2009


Anyone who knows me longer than five minutes knows I have a passion for shopping. My husband says that my family carries a shopping gene. I do believe that this is possible and I am looking into funding for research on this particular gene. My mom passed me the gene and now I have passed it on to Pumpkin.

Monday, June 8, 2009

New Baby

There is a new baby in the family! My brother and sister- in- law had a handsome baby boy on Friday! He weighed 7lbs 3 ounces and is to cute! Congrats!

Holiday World

Day: Friday June, 6th
Time: 5:00
Phone call: To Andy
Conversation: Hey when you get home from work why don't we pack up the car and go to Holiday World!

Which is excatly what we did. Andy arrived home around 6:45 and we were in our car by 7:45 on our way to Holiday World. Pumpkin had seen a carnival set up in town and was begging to go, I am not a huge fan of carnivals (hello anyone ever seen Funhouse?) so I thought a great compromise would be traveling to an amusement park! We called Philip and Andi to see if they wanted to join in our fun. They did, so we headed to Louisville. Saturday we made it to Holiday World and had a blast! The best thing about this place is free sodas! All day long all through the park they have FREE sodas. Cool! We had a ton of fun with Philip, Andi and their little one.(who was amazing) It was nice to spend time together before they move so far away from us.

Pumpkins fave part of course was the water park. For you who don't know Holiday World is not only an amusement park but also a water park. So great fun was had by all. We left there around 9:00 and arrived home at midnight and was up bright and early for church on Sunday. It was well worth being tired on Sunday. You only live once and great memories were made.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Every parents dream is for their child to listen to and do what you teach them. However what happens when you teach them to well? I will tell you a Mom ends up sad!

Andy and I believe in donating to worthy charities and have tried to instill that in Pumpkin from a very early age. She has participated in many different acts of charity including the Lupus Foundation, Asthma Foundation, Angel Tree, Shoebox Ministry and Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. What I did not expect is my child to come to me and say "I would like to cut my hair off for Locks of Love". What?? My daughter is known for her beautiful flowing long curly hair. I told her, your hair will be really, really short her reply "I don't care". Of course it is a great charity and we let her but I will admit I cried. Not when she had it done but that night after she went to bed I cried and I mean I cried. For any one who really knows me you know I don't cry. I am not an sentimental person at all and I am not a crier.

She looks so grown up. However Andy and I could not be more proud. The other day she said "I hope my hair is making some little girl feel better" and then I realized she really understands what is important in life. Of course not all the time but some of the time and I know a lot of adults that don't get it all. Making other peoples life a little bit better is one of the most important responsibilities we have on Earth. So I do hope some little girl is enjoying her hair and I pray for all the families dealing with cancer or alopecia. If you would like to find out more about Locks of Love just google the name and their site pops up.

Pumpkins Graduation

It has happened my little Pumpkin has become a first grader. I am not very happy but it seems I have no choice in this. She graduated May 21st in a very cute show called "Gods Love Around the World". She played a Hawaiian girl and looked adorable!

She has changed so much since the beginning of school. Of course she has changed physically but to me the major change has been her independence. She has learned to do so much for herself in Kindergarten that I feel useless.(just kidding) But it is quite a different girl that came home May 21st then the one I sent to school in August. I love the age she is now, she really converses with me and we have a ton of fun but a part of me misses that little girl we sent to Kindergarten.

After graduation we went to one of her fave restaurants and Build- A- Bear! Here she is building her new bear Rainbow!

Andy's Graduation

Well one of the big things that happened while I have not been posting is Andy graduated from college! I am very proud of my husband. I am going to take a minute to brag on him. He works full-time, went to school full-time and never neglected me or our daughter. Impressive, huh? I do not know how he managed. He was often up till 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and then back up by 7:00 for work. So a big congrats to my collage grad with honors!

Where Are You?

I know I have been missing but I am happy to be back. Later this evening I am going to do a couple of new post. I promise not to be away from blogging this long again.